Lock Down Coaching while Walking Video no4 – What is going on for you in this Waiting Room?

What is going on for you while you are in this waiting room?

I was at an on-line coaching retreat the other day and someone likened the current lock-down as being stuck in a waiting room which got me thinking…

It can be a bit of an all or nothing space – perhaps you feel impatient, that you are wasting time or perhaps it is an opportunity for purposeful rest.  Sometimes our thoughts while in a waiting room can be quite difficult to navigate.

There is loads of advice on line about how to keep yourself entertained or occupied while in a waiting room. There is also lots of advice out there on what to do with yourself during this current period of lock-down.  e.g. reading, talking to others, opportunity for learning, meditating, writing to do lists, journaling and much more.

None of us know how long we are going to be in this waiting space for – or what is in store for us when we get past it.

So lets take an imaginary leap forward to this time next year

Imagine looking back on your time in the Waiting Room.  Acknowledging the limitations and constraints around you …..

  • What do you wish you had done less of?
  • What do you wish you had done more of?
  • Why?
  • What would it have been like if you had?
  • What stopped you from doing it?
  • What would have enabled you to do it?
  • What could you have done differently?

Coming back to the present, with these thoughts in mind, What one thing can you do now that will, in a year’s time, make you feel that you have made the most of your time in your Waiting Room or be happy to know you have done?  What one step can you take today that will help you along the way?

You can watch my short coaching while walking video about the Waiting Room here (It was a glorious day!)