Lock Down Coaching while Walking Video no1 – Focus on One Thing at a Time.

By April 2, 2020Blog
Walk while you Work on your Business

Walk while you Work on your Business

On the First Thursday of the month I would normally be walking while working with some great business owners, sharing, challenges and ideas, and all supporting each other while getting some much needed fresh air and gentle exercise.

Instead, we are all grappling with the individual and collective impact of Coronavirus.  The challenges, both business and personal are different for every one of us.

One good thing is that more people  are taking the opportunity to get out for a walk.  I am always trumpeting the benefits of walking – physically, mentally and a great opportunity to think.


If like me, your brain is all over the place at the moment, perhaps you could occasionally use one of your walks to take the opportunity to really focus your thinking.

Decide what you want to think about before you set out be it business, personal, family, friends. Whatever – just one thing.  Really focus on that one thing during your walk and work it through.

What is the issue, what are the challenges, what do you want to have happen, what are the options, who can help you, What one thing can you do and WILL you do when you get back that will mean that you are not standing still but at least makes you feel that you have some forward momentum.

For me, the outcome of my thoughts about how to keep Walk while you Work on your Business and my Coaching while Walking focus was to start a series of short videos during the Lock Down period.

I share my thoughts on this in my first short video which you can watch here.

Keep safe, keep well and keep walking.